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- Date post: 12 December 2014
As a first-time buyer, there is much to consider. Here we have a look at some of the factors that may influence your decision, including: good school systems, tax breaks, reasonable housing, reasonable living costs and low crime rates.
Good Schools
Buying a house in an area that has good schooling should be a consideration even if you don’t have children of your own. Why? Well, when the time comes to sell, you’ll learn that strong school districts are a top priority for many home buyers; thus helping to boost property values and helping you to sell your home.
Tax Breaks
Unfortunately we all have taxes to pay, but don’t forget that different states have very different tax regulations in place. Where you choose to live could save you thousands of dollars each year! It may come as no surprise that the most tax-friendly state is Alaska. Alaskans pay the lowest state taxes, and have no sales tax. They even get tax refunds from the government owing to the revenue it collects from the oil companies working in the state.
Cost of Living
With the economy these days, a cheaper area to live may be just what the doctor ordered. But we’re not just talking about mortgages and rent. Cheap cost of living includes everything from the average price of a hamburger in a city to the price of a three-bedroom house.
High crime rates might well put you off living in a particular place. It’s always worth remembering that big cities are, by their very nature, more likely to have high crime rates. Nevertheless, it’s an important consideration, and so has compiled a list of the ‘safest’ cities in America based on the violent crime and property crime in each area.
Location Location, Location
So, there you have it. The single most important factor when buying a home is location, location, location. Anything else can be changed, but once you buy, you can’t change the town, city or state your home is situated in.